divendres, 18 de febrer del 2011

A biogtaphy of Harry Houdini

Houdini was a magician and escapologist.
He was born in 1874, in Budapest, Hungary. When he has 4, he went to the United States. First, he began with cards magic tricks, and after, he experimented with escape acts.
He invented very escape acts: Mirror handcuff challenge, Overboard box scape, Chinese Water Torture Cell, an others.
He did some films like Houdini Defeats Hackenschmidt, Merveilleux Exploits du Célébre Houdini à Paris or The Master Mystery.
Harry Houdini died of peritonitis in October 31 of 1926, when he has 52.

dijous, 17 de febrer del 2011

A biography of John Logie Baird

John Logie was a enginier and an inventor. He invented the television.
In 1888 was born in Helensburgh, Scotland. When he was a child, he loved building machines. When he was older, he studied at Glasgow University.
In 1926, he invented the black and white television. The next year, he stablished the Baird Television Company.